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Basketball basic knowledge and technical explanation
Release time:2020.11.30    Sources of news:Qufu Guanda Sports Goods Co.,Ltd.   Times of browsing:

Basketball is the core event of the Olympic Games. It is a confrontational sport centered on hands. Basketball originated in the United States. On December 21, 1891, it was invented by James Naismith, a physical education teacher at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1896, basketball was introduced into China. Nowadays, most of the young people in China like to play basketball.

1、 Basketball knowledge:

The specifications of the basketball court are stipulated according to the rules of the basketball match. The standard basketball court is a rectangular flat with a length of 28 meters and a width of 15 meters. There must be clear boundaries on the course. There should be no obstacles within 2 meters outside the boundary, and there should be at least 2 meters between the boundary and the audience.

The boundary of the long side of the court is called the sideline, and the boundary of the short side is called the end line. The horizontal line parallel to the end line connecting the midpoint of the two sidelines is called the central line, and the central line should extend 15 cm to the outside of the two side lines respectively. The circle drawn with the midpoint of the center line as the center and radius of 1.8 meters is called the middle circle. The penalty line is a straight line parallel to the end line, in which the point must be in a straight line with the midpoint of the end line and the center line. The area formed by the free throw line and the two diagonal lines connecting the two ends of the free throw line is called the restricted zone (three second zone)

2、 The change of dribbling skill to dribble

Changing direction dribble is a common skill and also a practical skill. That is to change the direction quickly when dribbling, so that the opponent is caught off guard, and some can even shake the other side, so that it can easily pass. Pay attention to the practice of crotch dribble, back dribble and cross dribble, which are the necessary skills to complete the change direction dribble. To change direction dribble, we should lower the body, improve the dribbling speed, and try to find friends for actual combat practice.

Bend your knees, keep the angle between your thigh and the ground between 0 and 30 degrees as far as possible (that is, the center of gravity is lowered), the feet are slightly wider than the shoulder, the upper body is slightly forward, the two arms are open, and the palms are facing each other. One arm is slightly higher to interfere with the opponent's passing, and the other arm is slightly lower to interfere with the opponent's control of the ball. The specific use of the arm depends on your habits and the specific attack situation of the opponent.

Slide with the direction of movement when the other party moves. The step of sliding step is to take which foot first in which direction, and the other foot follows (don't blame me for my wordiness, common beginners make mistakes). Unless it's a close defense, you'll usually stand in the direction of the other side toward the basket, and incline to the direction you think the other side is likely to pass the ball. The most important thing in defense practice is to practice footwork (mainly sliding), so that you can intercept the opponent's attack and pass route in time, and let the impact of the opponent's fake action on you to the lowest point.

3、 Shooting skills:

1. Separate your feet naturally, bend your knees naturally, and relax your hands.

2. The pitcher holds the ball, and the other hand only holds the ball without exerting force.

3. The strength of shooting comes from the leg. Therefore, the elbow joint holding the ball should be vertical to the ground to ensure the strength.

4. The shooting action should be complete and ensure that the fingertips of the fingers, not the palms, are used to deliver the ball.

5. If you are right-handed, when shooting, the right foot is in front of the basket, the left foot is in the back, and the distance between the right foot and the right foot is about half the sole of the foot (if you can exert force), the left hand is the opposite.

6. The right hand holds the ball on the shoulder. The center of the ball is between the index finger and the middle finger. The ball should be at least higher than the top of the head. The left hand should hold the ball without touching the ball. The elbow joint of the ball holder should be vertical to the ground.

7. Before shooting, the legs are relaxed, and the toes step on the ground or jump up. The strength is transmitted from the feet to the fingertips. The ball is thrown by the power of the index finger and the middle finger, and the other fingers control the direction of the ball.

4、 Rebounding skills:

Blocking, whether it's attack or defense, grabbing the board must stand in the most favorable position under the basket, so you see in the basketball game, people who always blow the inside line without the ball foul, are in the fierce position.

Simple tips: when the other side attacks, their C will rush to the inside line infinitely. At this time, you can't let go of it. When facing you, you will block your body in front of him. You can go to the top where he goes. Of course, you can't push, pull or collide. The principle is that I won't let you go where you want to go. If he's holding his back to you, you'll stretch out your arms and put him on his back with enough strength to push, but not push. (remember to lower your body and separate your legs so that you can stand firm)

5、 Break layups:

The so-called breakthrough layup is a way for dribblers to break through the defense of the opponent's personnel and break into the forbidden area to score with a layup. This is very common on the court!! Also want to play basketball required one!!

6、 Action method:

Left hand to the right hand racket, right foot power, left foot to the front of the right stride. Reach out your left hand, sink your left shoulder, protect the ball! Break through from the right, stretch out the left hand, and sink the left shoulder to protect the ball. After this step, both hands hold the ball, and start to walk the three step basket with elbows set up to prevent the players from racking off the ball from both sides.

7、 Action Essentials:

The first step is to stride steadily, the second step is to stride large, and the third step (actually half step, to jump high).

The first two steps are to protect the ball with your arm.

The third step is to jump into the air, break through on the right side, pick the ball with the right hand, and put out the left arm to block the blocked player's arm. If you can't pick it in, it's basic skill, that's hard training!

The first step of breakthrough should be explosive, so as to shake off the opponent. In the middle of the process, the body should be reasonably used to protect the ball. When flying, it should be high and protect the ball.

8、 Precautions:

Don't drop the ball easily. If you do, you have to cross the ball. Push forward actively. Turn your shoulder to protect the ball. Push the second foot quickly. When pushing the ball forward, keep the right foot forward, keep the right foot moving forward, keep the right foot moving forward, keep the right foot moving forward.

I have the bottom line, there is no next news!
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